What should I do if I have a question about one of the recaps?

We’re grateful you’re reading along with us, and we’re thrilled that you have questions! That means you’re really paying attention and digging in! Because I love theology and discussing God’s Word, I’d love to be able to sit down and talk it over with you. However, since we get hundreds of messages daily, my team assures me there’s a wiser approach that helps delegate a little of the weight of that responsibility (like the advice Jethro gave to Moses in Exodus 18).

Here’s what we’ve come up with that we hope will help you if you have questions from reading and/or listening:

A. Research Tools

We’d love to share some of our best free resources to help equip you for your own research. Some of our favorite online tools are the FaithLife Study Bible (the website is more user-friendly than the app), GotQuestions?, and BlueLetterBible. These are GOLD! (And we never frown on a good old fashioned Google search either!)

B. Local Church

One of our hopes in connecting people with Scripture is to also connect them more deeply to their local church. They are the people who walk alongside you on a regular basis. And since many questions stem from personal life experience, it can be helpful to connect with someone who knows how to speak to the nuances of your unique situation. It’s often hard for us to do that when we (likely) don’t know you personally.

C. Discussion Group

If you’ve done your own research and talked to someone at your church (or don’t have a church) and still have questions OR you have lots of questions regularly and want more feedback at large, we’ve found it’s helpful to connect you to our Facebook Discussion Group for our RECAPtain Family, for our lowest tier price. We realize that may be cost prohibitive for some budgets, but we’ve found that having a small “barrier to entry” tends to keep out the cynics and naysayers. As a result, this community is incredibly kind, patient, and helpful. We’ve tried to keep the cost low in order to serve as many people as possible!

This group is also great because each question often receives multiple responses from a wide variety of perspectives, instead of just having us reply to you with our own as though we have THE answers. Multi-layered responses can help us learn to weigh and understand things better and with greater nuance. And truly, their answers are often BETTER than mine. I learn a lot by reading the questions and responses!

We hope these resources will be helpful to you.

Keywords: community, resources, small groups, study, church, questions, contact, feedback, discussion, research


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How do you choose the resources you link to in the show notes?