Her earliest memory is learning John 3:16 from her mom, shortly before her brother led her to Christ. Despite an early introduction to Christianity, she wasted years coasting on the second-hand information she learned from others. In 2008, through the gentle encouragement of a friend, she read all the way through the Bible for the first time. That changed everything. "I wanted and needed people alongside me in my pursuit of God—people to hold me accountable for scripture memory and Bible reading and all the things that were bringing me so much newfound joy!" She lives in Dallas, TX, where she has no pets or children—or anything else that might die if she forgets to feed it.
Bonnie grew up in Oklahoma and her parents led her to faith in Christ at a young age. It was during college, though, when Bonnie really learned what it meant to have an actual relationship with God and how to live out your faith. After graduation, she worked for a college ministry for over a decade. She saw students come to college less and less familiar with Jesus and the Bible, and that sparked her desire for people to know God and His Word more fully and accurately. In 2023, Bonnie began working for The Bible Recap, and is continually surprised to see and hear how far our TBR fam reaches around the globe—praise God! Bonnie lives in the greatest city in the world (NYC) alongside an undisclosed number of house plants. She loves fall weather, college football, public transportation, and concerts. Her mom is her favorite person, followed closely by her 8 nieces and nephews.
Emily Pickell is a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, writer, teacher, and administrator. After teaching and leading in public schools for over a decade, she now serves in various ministries and organizations, including The Bible Recap, D-Group International, Grace & Peace Church, Kaleidoscope Kids Bibles, KidsCore Worship, and Colorado Christian University. Emily and her husband Jonathan live in a converted 1800s general store in the heart of Denver, Colorado. When they’re not at home, they’re off playing in the mountains, visiting friends and family, or exploring other countries. Every day, Emily is amazed by the goodness of God, and often finds herself singing, “Hast thou not seen, how thy desires e’er have been, granted in what He ordaineth?”
Allison grew up in a Christian home with her parents and two sisters. Her faith took a tangible turn in high school when she chose to attend a Bible school—that’s when she started her tech career in audio and video. She lives in upstate NY, where she cherishes time with her husband and toddler (but not the cat that came along with the husband). She enjoys podcasts and audiobooks, spinach pancakes, and nifty gadgets (thanks to Shark Tank). Allison discovered an opportunity to use her AV talents in 2018 through D-Group International, editing a new podcast called The Bible Recap. Despite having no podcast editing experience at the time, she has been the perfect fit for TBR—it has been an answer to her lifelong prayer that God would use her to help spread the Gospel in a monumental way!
Abbey grew up in a home and in a church where knowing and having a relationship with Jesus was the priority. However, it wasn’t until her early 20s that the concept of having a personal relationship with Jesus became real in her life. As Scripture came alive to her, it began to shape how she desired to use the professional skills she had acquired in the marketing and communications fields. In 2014, she left the secular, non-profit realm to work in her church’s Media ministry and now serves with Shrinking, Inc. She resides in Memphis, TN, where she loves to spend time with her family (especially her nephews).
Arlette grew up in Puebla, Mexico, in a religious home. However, it wasn’t until later that she committed her life to Christ. After receiving her masters degree in human development, she took the position as Administrative Director of a Christian College in Mexico. Five years later, she married and moved to the United States, where she now lives with her husband and two children in Missouri. Arlette has been involved with D-Group International since 2014. Her work translating D-Group material led to the opportunity to translate TBR in 2020. Arlette enjoys spending time with her family and friends, coaching her daughter’s basketball team, and serving in various capacities at her church.
After growing up in Kansas City, Brooke moved to Fort Worth, Texas, to attend college. In college, she came to understand the Gospel for the first time and developed a vision to use her life to help make it known to others. For 6 years, Brooke worked for a college ministry, organizing events for students and staff. This job eventually took her to Austin, Texas, where she now lives with her husband and son. Brooke is passionate about helping others grow in their understanding and love of God—serving at her church on Sundays, co-leading her community group during the week, and now working part-time with TBR. She loves walks with her family, dinner with friends, traveling to new places, watching The Office, and FaceTiming her KC family!
Sarah grew up attending church with her family and always identified as a “Christian”. After struggling with doubts as a teenager, Sarah’s brother helped her solidify her faith by making a personal decision to follow Jesus for the rest of her life. After this decision, she wanted to walk in obedience—not just because it was what everyone around her was doing, but because she loved Jesus with her whole heart. In college, she grew in her desire to know God’s Word and share the Gospel with others. After graduation, she went into vocational college ministry—where she and her husband have served ever since. And on top of that, she started working with TBR and Israelux in 2023. Sarah lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas with her husband and four kids.
As a pastor’s kid, LB vowed she’d never go into full-time ministry. She loved Jesus, but ministry required a faith she wasn’t sure she possessed. When God softened her heart and called her to a life of ministry, she knew it could only be accomplished by His strength—not her own. LB’s heart for Scripture and discipleship has continued to deepen since she began vocational ministry in 2009. She cherished the truth of Philippians 2:13: it is God who works in her, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. LB lives in Dallas, Texas, and has her hand in all divisions of Shrinking Inc., primarily as the Israelux Director and Theology & Curriculum Director for D-Group International, but also helps with The Bible Recap.
Olivia is a small town Texas native. Through the help of family and church community, she came to love and follow Jesus at a young age. Olivia moved to Dallas for college and stayed for work and the eclectic food scene. Her love for discipleship and helping others to live a life of love and obedience to God grew through her time in ministry. Olivia started working for Shrinking Inc. in 2021. She loves assisting TLC and helping others better understand the Bible! Outside of work, Olivia and her husband Chris spend time going for walks at their local park, hanging out with friends and church community, enjoying ice cream, and planning their next trip.
Sarah grew up in the Kansas City area in a Christian home, attended Christian school, and went to every youth group activity available. She knew all the right answers, but it wasn’t truly personal to her until attending a post-graduate college discipleship program. That’s where she learned the importance of pursuing the Lord on a daily basis. After graduating the program, she made her home in Branson, Missouri, working in full-time ministry until the Lord called her into public education. Sarah has continued to work in education for over a decade. During that time, she joined a local D-Group, and she started working for TBR in 2019. Sarah loves to spend time with her rescue dog Nellie, enjoy the beautiful Ozarks and the lake, see Broadway shows, and cheer on the KC Chiefs and KC Current.
Sally grew up in church but lacked any personal faith. That changed when she became a mother. She was drawn back to church and just kept growing more curious. After attending an event in 2017 where Tara-Leigh was the guest speaker, Sally immediately found a D-Group. For years, she drove 30 miles to attend until her D-Group (mostly military wives) dispersed. That’s when Sally brought D-Group to her hometown! Soon after, The Bible Recap began. And when they needed help, Sally was thrilled to serve and be a part of the team! It’s her joy to see people excited about God’s Word every day on social media. Sally balances retirement with being a part-time Life Coach. She lives in Temple, Texas, with her husband and three dogs. Her kids are grown and she now has a daughter-in-law!
A Southern California native, Emily realised her passion for biblical literacy after completing The Bible Recap for the first time while studying English at the University of California, Irvine. Many years later, she’s grateful to cheer on other Bible Readers on social media as they seek to read, understand, and love the Bible themselves. Professionally, Emily has managed several social media accounts for non-profits and Christian ministries. When she isn’t working, Emily spends her time volunteering with her church, obsessing over Joan Didion, and drinking cappuccinos.