Note: We provide links to specific resources; this is not an endorsement of the
entire website, author, organization, etc. Their views may not represent our own.
For YouTube, here's how to find the Description Box Tara-Leigh mentions.
EPISODES 001-098
001 (Genesis 1-3):
- Video: Genesis Overview (Part One)
- BibleProject Podcast: Origin of Spiritual Beings
002 (Genesis 4-7):
- BibleProject Podcast: God, Abraham, Demons, & Giants Q+R
004 (Job 1-5):
- Video: Job Overview
006 (Job 10-13):
- Song: Though You Slay Me
016 (Genesis 12-15):
024 (Genesis 35-37):
030 (Exodus 1-3):
- Video: Exodus Overview (Part One)
January R&C:
- Article: What Does It Mean That Christians are Adopted by God?
- Article: Are We All God's Children?
Scripture regarding God’s Family:
- Romans 8:14-17
- Romans 8:23
- Galatians 4:5
- Romans 9:4
- Isaiah 56:5
- Matthew 12:46-50
- John 8:44
- 1 John 3:1 -
032 (Exodus 7-9):
035 (Exodus 16-18):
- Video: Exodus Overview (Part Two)
036 (Exodus 19-21):
- Video: Exodus Overview (Part Two)
037 (Exodus 22-24):
- Document: Monotheism Info
038 (Exodus 25-27):
- Video: Tabernacle Tour
042 (Exodus 36-38):
043 (Exodus 39-40):
- Video: Leviticus Overview
044 (Leviticus 1-4):
- Article: The 5 Offerings in the Old Testament
- Video: Leviticus Overview
050 (Leviticus 19-21):
051 (Leviticus 22-23):
- Article: Jewish Feasts and Holidays
053 (Leviticus 26-27)
- Video: Numbers Overview
054 (Numbers 1-2):
- Diagram: Encampment around the Tabernacle
- Video: Numbers Overview
055 (Numbers 3-4):
- Diagram: Encampment around the Tabernacle
059 (Numbers 11-13):
- Video: Psalms Overview
February R&C:
- Video: How to Interpret Tough Texts
- Article: What is Progressive Revelation?
- The Bible Project: God or gods?
- The Bible Project: No Other God
060 (Numbers 14-15, Psalm 90):
- Video: Psalms Overview
067 (Numbers 31-32):
068 (Numbers 33-34):
070 (Deuteronomy 1-2):
- Podcast: God, Abraham, Demons, & Giants Q+R
- Podcast: Nephilim, Enoch, Satan & Demons Q+R
- Video: Deuteronomy Overview
077 (Deuteronomy 21-23):
- Podcast: When Scripture Doesn't Make Sense*
*Resource not mentioned in TBR podcast
082 (Joshua 1-4):
- Video: Joshua Overview
- Map: Land Allotment of Israel
085 (Joshua 12-15):
- Map: Land Allotment of Israel
086 (Joshua 16-18):
087 (Joshua 19-21):
- Map: Land Allotment of Israel
089 (Judges 1-2):
- Video: Judges Overview
097 (Ruth 1-4):
- Video: Ruth Overview
098 (1 Samuel 1-3):
- Video: 1 Samuel Overview
EPISODES 104-197
104 (1 Samuel 21-24):
- Map: David Fleeing Saul
*Not mentioned in today’s podcast
111 (2 Samuel 1-4):
- Video: 2 Samuel Overview
113 (1 Chronicles 1-2):
- Video: Chronicles Overview
114 (Psalm 43-45, 49, 84-85, 87):
- Article: The Types of Psalms
124 (1 Chronicles 13-16):
- Article: Uzzah
125 (Psalm 1-2, 15, 22-24, 47, 68):
- Article: 10 Reasons the Father Didn't Turn His Face Away at the Cross
- Article: Did God Turn His Face Away?
- Article: Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messiah
133 (2 Samuel 11-12, 1 Chronicles 20):
- Article: Did King David Rape Bathsheba?
149 (1 Kings 1-2, Psalm 37, 71, 94):
- Video: Kings Summary
May R&C
152 (2 Chronicles 1, Psalm 72):
- Video: Chronicles Overview
153 (Song of Solomon 1-8):
- Video: Song of Songs Overview
154 (Proverbs 1-3):
- Video: Proverbs Overview
160 (Proverbs 19-21):
- Article: What Does the Bible Say About Lending Money?
163 (1 Kings 7, 2 Chronicles 4):
- Video: Model of Solomon's Temple
- Video: A'in Dara Temple in Syria (before/after air strikes)
170 (Ecclesiastes 1-6):
- Video: Ecclesiastes Overview
172 (1 Kings 10-11, 2 Chronicles 9):
174 (1 Kings 12-14):
- Map: The Divided Kingdom
182 (Obadiah 1, Psalm 82-83):
- Video: The Day of The LORD
- Video: Obadiah Overview
183 (2 Kings 1-4):
- Article: Did Enoch and Elijah Escape Death and Go to Heaven?
- Video: Kings Overview
185 (2 Kings 9-11):
188 (Jonah 1-4):
- Map: Jonah's Journey
- Video: Jonah Overview
190 (Isaiah 1-4):
- Video: Isaiah Overview (Part One)
192 (Amos 1-5):
- Video: Day of the Lord
- Video: Amos Overview
195 (Micah 1-7):
- Video: Micah Summary
197 (Isaiah 13-17):
EPISODES 201-299
201 (Hosea 1-7):
- Video: Hosea Overview
205 (Isaiah 35-36):
- Video: Day of the Lord
207 (Isaiah 40-43):
- Video: Isaiah Overview (Part Two)
210 (Isaiah 49-53):
- Article: Forbidden Chapter of the Tanakh
- Video: "The Forbidden Chapter" of the Hebrew Bible - Isaiah 53
- Book: Delighting in the Trinity*
*This is an affiliate link. A small percentage of your purchase helps support The Bible Recap!
211 (Isaiah 54-58):
- Graphic: Religion vs Sonship
213 (Isaiah 64-66):
- Article: God Does Not View Your Labors as "Filthy Rags"
- Article: Does God Hide His Face From Us?
216 (Nahum 1-3):
- Video: Nahum Overview
218 (Zephaniah 1-3):
- Video: Zephaniah Overview
219 (Jeremiah 1-3):
- Video: Jeremiah Overview
225 (Jeremiah 23-25):
226 (Jeremiah 26-29):
- Image: Yoke
228 (Jeremiah 32-34):
- Article: A Royal Priesthood in Christ
- Article: Is the Royal Priesthood of all Believers Biblical?
232 (Habakkuk 1-3):
- Video: Habakkuk Overview
236 (Jeremiah 51-52):
- Song: Something's Missing
- Book: The Five Love Languages*
*This is an affiliate link. A small percentage of your purchase helps support The Bible Recap!
237 (Lamentations 1-2):
- Video: Lamentations Overview
239 (Ezekiel 1-4):
- Video: Ezekiel Overview (Part One)
241 (Ezekiel 9-12):
- Article: The Ancient Hebrew Alphabet
248 (Ezekiel 28-30):
249 (Ezekiel 31-33):
- Article: What is Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (MTD)?
250 (Ezekiel 34-36):
- Video: Ezekiel Overview (Part Two)
252 (Ezekiel 40-42):
- Picture: Ezekiel's Temple
254 (Ezekiel 46-48):
- Video: Life in the Dead Sea
- Article: New Life Forms at Bottom of the Dead Sea
- Article: What is the significance of Ezekiel's Temple?
- Article: Ezekiel Sees a New Temple
255 (Joel 1-3):
- Video: Joel Overview
256 (Daniel 1-3):
- Video: Daniel Overview
258 (Daniel 7-9):
- Article: Why is Jesus called "Son of Man"?
- Article: Resources on Daniel's Seventy Weeks
260 (Ezra 1-3):
- Article: 7 Reasons Christians are Not Required to Tithe
- Article: The Bible Commands Christians to Tithe
- Video: Ezra Overview
262 (Haggai 1-2):
- Video: Haggai Overview
263 (Zechariah 1-4):
- Video: Zechariah Overview
266 (Esther 1-5):
- Video: Esther Overview
267 (Esther 6-10):
- Map: Persian Empire
269 (Nehemiah 1-5):
- Video: Nehemiah Overview
272 (Nehemiah 11-13, Psalm 126):
273 (Malachi 1-4):
- Article 1 of 4: God's Love and God's Hatred
- Article 2 of 4: Why Did God Hate Esau? (no longer available)
- Article 3 of 4: Why Did God Love Jacob and Hate Esau?
- Article 4 of 4: Jacob & Esau: Charles Spurgeon Sermon Transcript
- Article: What Does the Bible Say about Divorce and Remarriage?
- Video: Malachi Overview
September R&C
- Article: What were Israel's 400 Years of Silence?
- Graph: Relationships between the Synoptic Gospels
- Article: What Are the Synoptic Gospels?
- Article: Three Ways John is Different from the Synoptic Gospels (and three ways it’s similar)
- Video: Luke Overview
- Video: John Overview
274 (Luke 1, John 1):
- Article: What is the Nazirite/Nazarite Vow?
- Video 1 of 2: Luke Overview
- Video 2 of 2: John Overview
- Blog: Why does Tara-Leigh use nicknames for different people in the Bible?
275 (Matthew 1, Luke 2):
- Article: What is the Immaculate Conception?
- Video: Matthew Overview (Part One)
276 (Matthew 2):
- Timeline: Christmas Timeline of the Biblical Account
277 (Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3):
- Article: Why I am Not a Paedobaptist
- Article: The "Heart" of a Paedo- vs Credobaptist Matter
- Article: What is a Sacrament?
- Article: Protected from Baptism
- Article: Baptism Theology
- Article: Why I Changed my Mind about Infant Baptism
- Video: Mark Overview
278 (Matthew 4, Luke 4-5):
- Article: How Does Jesus' Temptation Link Him to Israel?
- Article: The House of Peter: The Home of Jesus in Capernaum?
- Article: Who Was Matthew in the Bible?
279 (John 2-4):
280 (Matthew 8, Mark 2):
- Map: Galilee in Time of Jesus
283 (Matthew 5-7):
284 (Matthew 9, Luke 7):
285 (Matthew 11):
- Article: What is the Concept of "Already but Not Yet"?
- Image: Yoke
286 (Luke 11):
- Article 1 of 2: Does It Matter Which Person of the Trinity We Pray To?
- Article 2 of 2: You Asked: Can I Pray to Jesus?
289 (Matthew 10):
290 (Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9):
- Picture: Sea of Galilee Boat
- Video: Luke Overview (Part Two)
291 (John 6):
- Sermon 1 of 2: Enjoying the Triune God
- Sermon 2 of 2: The Trinity and Christian Prayer
293 (Matthew 16, Mark 8):
- Article: The Difference Between Pharisees and Sadducees in the Bible
- Picture: Caesarea Philippi
- Article: Caesarea Philippi
- Article: Why is Jesus called "Son of Man"?
- Article 1 of 3: What is the Rock in Matthew 16:18?
- Article 2 of 3: The Exegetical Examination of Matthew 16:18
- Article 3 of 3: Is Peter the Rock? Early Interpretations of Matthew 16:18
294 (Matthew 17, Mark 9):
- Article: Jesus Foretells the Coming Kingdom
299 (Luke 12-13):
- Article: How Can I Have Assurance of My Salvation? (Got Questions)
- Article: How Can I Have Assurance of My Salvation? (
- Article: The Agonizing Problem of the Assurance of Salvation
- Article: Insecurity and Assurance of Salvation
EPISODES 300-365
308 (Matthew 22, Mark 12):
- Article: What is a Levirate Marriage?/levirate-marriage.html
309 (Matthew 23, Luke 20-21):
- Image: Phylactery
- Image: Fringe
313 (Matthew 26, Mark 14):
- Image: Timeline of Jesus' Death
- Image: Passover
- Article 1 of 4: Was Jesus Crucified on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday?
- Article 2 of 4: The Day Christ Died - Was it on a Thursday or Friday?
- Article 3 of 4: Solving the Three Day Three Night Mystery
- Article 4 of 4: On What Day Was Jesus Crucified?
314 (Luke 22, John 13):
315 (John 14-17):
- Article: Is C.S. Lewis' "Liar, Lord, or Lunatic" Argument Unsound?
- Document: Roles of the Trinity
317 (Luke 23, John 18-19):
- Image: Golgotha
- Article: This Bone is the Only Skeletal Evidence For Crucifixion in the Ancient World
- Article: How Jesus Died: Rare Evidence of Roman Crucifixion Found
- Article: 10 Reasons the Father Didn't Turn His Face Away At The Cross
- Article: Did God Turn His Face Away? And Why It Matters.
- Article: Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messiah
- Article: The Science of the Crucifixion -
320 (Acts 1-3):
- Video: Acts Overview (Part One)
322 (Acts 7-8):
- Image: Gate
- Article: No, ‘Saul the Persecutor’ Did Not Become ‘Paul the Apostle’
- Article: Forbidden Chapter of the Tanakh
- Video: The Forbidden Chapter: Isaiah 53 in the Hebrew Bible
323 (Acts 9-10):
- Article 1 of 2: Are You a Saint?
- Article 2 of 2: When Do Believers Reach Sainthood?
- Article: Why Don't We Follow All of the Old Testament Laws?
324 (Acts 11-12):
- Article: Who was Herod Agrippa?
325 (Acts 13-14):
- Video: Acts Overview (Part Two)
326 (James 1-5):
- Video: James Overview
328 (Galatians 1-3):
- Article: Who were the Judaizers?
- Video: Galatians Overview
331 (1 Thessalonians 1-5, 2 Thessalonians 1-3):
- Video 1 of 2: 1 Thessalonians Overview
- Video 2 of 2: 2 Thessalonians Summary
333 (1 Corinthians 1-4):
- Video: 1 Corinthians Overview
336 (1 Corinthians 12-14):
- Article 1 of 2: Why I am a Continuationist
- Article 2 of 2: Why I am a Cessationist
338 (2 Corinthians 1-4):
- Video: 2 Corinthians Overview
339 (2 Corinthians 5-9):
- Article: How Can I Have Assurance of My Salvation? (
- Article: How Can I Have Assurance of My Salvation? (
- Article: The Agonizing Problem of the Assurance of Salvation
- Article: How Can I Obtain Assurance of Salvation?
341 (Romans 1-3):
- Article 1 of 3: Apostles Today?
- Article 2 of 3: What is an Apostle? Do Apostles Really Exist?
- Article 3 of 3: What is an Apostle?
- Video: Romans Overview
343 (Romans 8-10):
- Sermon: The Absolute Sovereignty of God
344 (Romans 11-13):
- Article: Five Reasons I Believe Romans 11:26 Means a Future Conversion for Israel
- Article: What Does It Mean That All Israel Will Be Saved?
- Article: Perspectives on Israel and the Church: 4 Views
- Article: What Does The Bible Mean When It Refers to a Remnant?
- Article: What is Replacement Theology/Supersessionism?
- Article: The Church and Israel in the New Testament
- Article: Israel and the Church: Understanding Some Theological Options
- Article: What Your Church is Missing: Understanding Remnant Theology -
345 (Romans 14-16):
346 (Acts 20-23):
- Map: Paul's Third Missionary Day
- Article: What is the Nazirite/Nazarite Vow?
348 (Acts 27-28):
- Photo: Ancient Anchor
- Article: Searching for Paul’s Shipwreck on Malta
- Article: Mamertine Prison
349 (Colossians 1-4, Philemon 1):
- Video 1 of 2: Colossians Overview
- Video 2 of 2: Philemon Overview
350 (Ephesians 1-6):
- Video: Ephesians Overview
351 (Philippians 1-4):
- Video: Philippians Overview
352 (1 Timothy 1-6):
- Article: I'm a Complementarian... But Women Must Be Taught and They Must Teach
- Article: Manhood, Womanhood, and the Freedom to Minister
- Article: Can Women Teach in the Church?
- Article: Women as Church Leaders: Egalitarian View on Women Preaching & Pastoring
- Article: Women as Church Leaders: Female Complementarians on Current Debates
- Article: Much Ado About Gender Roles
- Article: Summaries of the Egalitarian and Complementarian Positions
- Video: 1 Timothy Overview
353 (Titus 1-3):
- Video: Titus Overview
354 (1 Peter 1-5):
- Article: Is the Priesthood of All Believers Biblical?
- Article: A Royal Priesthood in Christ
- Article: Does 1 Peter 3:21 Teach That Baptism is Necessary for Salvation?
- Article: What is Baptism and Does it Save?
355 (Hebrews 1-6):
356 (Hebrews 7-10):
- Video: Who Was Melchizedek and What Is His Significance?
- Article: Who was Melchizedek?
358 (2 Timothy 1-4):
- Trailer: Paul, Apostle of Christ
- Movie: Paul, Apostle of Christ*
*Rent online or buy DVD -
359 (2 Peter 1-3, Jude 1):
- Article: What is the Book of Enoch and should it be in the Bible?
- Video 1 of 2: 2 Peter Overview
- Video 2 of 2: Jude Overview
360 (1 John 1-5):
- Video: 1 John Overview
361 (2 John 1, 3 John 1):
- Video: 2 and 3 John Overview
362 (Revelation 1-5):
- PDF: The End of the World As We Know It
- Quick Guide: Revelation - A Quick Guide to End Time Views
- Database: End Times
- Video: Revelation Overview (Part One)
363 (Revelation 6-11):
- Article 1 of 2: Who Are The 144,000?
- Article 2 of 2: Who are the 144,000 in Revelation?
364 (Revelation 12-18):
- Video: Revelation Overview (Part Two)
365 (Revelation 19-22):
- Resource: Seven Beatitudes in Revelation