How can I get tech support for my app?

We know that from time to time, technology glitches and causes problems with the reading plan on your app. At TBR, we are content creators and/or partners with the various apps that host TBR. That means we don't actually run the apps or handle the technical side of things. The best way for you to get some solutions is to reach out to their customer support directly. 

Here are some links to customer support for some of the main apps/platforms we use for The Bible Recap: 

YouVersion (Bible App)

Dwell Audio Bible

Apple Podcasts




If your app isn't listed here, you can do a quick internet search of "[name of app] customer support" and something should pop up. If you are experiencing an issue with your RECAPtain platform, please visit the RECAPtain section of our help page where many of these questions are answered.

Keywords: tech support, help, troubleshoot, glitch, app, problems, fix, audio, video, RECAPtain, platform


Why isn’t the audio working on my Bible app?


How/when do I start The Bible Recap?